EVENT: Gender Reveal Party

Gender Reveal Party Cake Teal Bird Concepts

Gender Reveal Party Invitation Teal Bird Concepts

We did not find out the gender of our third baby until he was delivered. It was very exciting, but I also think it would be exciting to learn and share the news with friends and family at a gender reveal party. No, I am not pregnant AGAIN, but thought it would be nice to share this easy concept with you just in case you are asked to put one of these together for a family member, friend, or client. Steps: Mix up your favorite cake recipe, Add some blue or pink coloring to the batter, Bake the cake as directed, and Frost (being careful not to leave any hints aka pink or blue crumbs behind). For Teal Bird flair, I added a cute little cake topper banner to match the party invitation.

THE TAKE AWAY: It’s a girl!

Gender Reveal Party Cake Teal Bird Concepts 

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