Photography: Big Sister

I love to seeing older siblings taking care of their new babies.  Although they won’t exactly remember singing sweet songs to calm the crying baby, helping mom with bottle feedings, and kissing the baby until his/her cheeks are red, the bond will be there forever.

Teal Bird Concepts

Teal Bird Concepts

Teal Bird Concepts

Teal Bird Concepts

Teal Bird Concepts

THE TAKE AWAY: Try to give your older children a role in your new addition’s life as soon as you can.  As the mom of 3 babies under 5 years of age, I am reminded of how hard it can be for older siblings to find their “new place” once the new baby arrives.  Each day my oldest son and I decide which of the babies we are in charge of caring for.  He understands that their needs require the patience of the entire family, he takes great pride in being assigned my little helper, and has developed such a loving, caregiver spirit for his siblings (even when I am not around).   

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